Accelerating Medicines Partnership® SCHIZOPHRENIA
For Scientists
Using data from a non-interventional study, the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP®) SCZ program seeks to build tools to improve success in developing pharmacologic treatments for patients with clinical high risk for psychosis.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The following SOPs are used in the AMP SCZ program to acquire measures/assessments for ~2500 participants over a 2 year period as described in the study design:

Data Flow
Team Leads: Sylvain Bouix, Justin Baker

Clinical Data Acquisition
This document describes the SOPs to acquire clinical data for each participant at every time point – starting at screening and continuing through all twelve study visits.
Team Leads: Alison Yung, Jean Addington

EEG Acquisition
This document describes the SOPs to acquire EEG for each participant at two time points – first at baseline and second at two months after study entry.
Team Leads: Daniel Mathalon, Gregory Light, Aysenil Belger, Spero Nicholas

Team Leads: Ofer Pasternak, Michael Harms

Cognitive Measures
This document describes the SOPs to acquire cognitive measures for each participant at five time points – first at baseline, then at two, six, 12 and 24 months after study entry.
Team Leads: Bill Stone, Kelly Allot

Fluid Biomarker
This document describes the SOPs to acquire fluid biomarkers (blood, saliva) for each participant at two time points – first at baseline and second at two months after study entry.
Team Leads: Dianna Perkins, Scott Clark

This document describes the SOPs to acquire actigraphy data for each participant on a daily basis.
Team Leads: Justin Baker, John Torous

Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) and Passive Sensing (PS)
This document describes the SOPs used to acquire Digital Health data – both EMA and PS – for each participant on a daily basis.
Team Leads: Justin Baker, John Torous

Language Sample Acquisition
This document describes the SOPs to acquire language/free speech samples for each participant at two time points – first at baseline and second at two months after study entry.
Team LeadsPhillip Wolff, Cheryl Cocoran, Zarina R. Bilgrami, Guillermo Cecchi

Last Reviewed on February 16, 2024